Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today is the Day...

What a journey to get here...!

So here is the game plan for this nothing less than organized chaotic day...
The movers will be at the shoppe between 2-4 PM with the first load...anyone wanting to come and help with moving things around...come on down!! It will take two trips for the there will be reprieve in between and I am buying dinner!
We will have pizzas, salad and drinks!

Can't wait...See you soon!!


  1. Good luck Anna in your new home. Can't wait to visit.

  2. Hi Anna

    Can't wait to get back to knitting, and your new home is the way to start. Looking forward to a visit soon. Good luck and take care!


  3. Hi Anna -- So happy for you. I wish I could be there. I would love to help you move. Can't wait to see the new shop when I visit Sacto. Best wishes and continued blessings coming your way.

    Debby Wilkening in cold, rainy Michigan (I love it!)

  4. Hi Anna and Staff -
    That's so exciting. Can't wait to see your new place on
    our next visit to Elk Grove. Congratulations.
    Barbara Cook
    Prescott, AZ

  5. Three cheers, Anna, for all your very successful efforts in finding we "Anna-fans" a lovely new 'home' -- and kudos for getting it done so swiftly after gettting past your kidney stones! (Did you get to keep them and make a necklace, like you wanted?? :-)) I've missed you and the rest of the group sooo much, and am tickled that we'll have a place to gather again. Sorry I missed yesterday's work crew activities -- didn't get your email picked up until just today -- but I may mosey on down this afternoon to see if there is anything more that you need help with. Am not great at moving the big stuff, but I'll be happy to do anything to help where I can sit to do it. By the way, is the 'old' phone number going to be the one for the new place?
